Traffic in Dortmund and Lünen

Symbolic image of a patrol car on the highway
Traffic in Dortmund and Lünen
Here you will find relevant topics on road safety in Dortmund and Lünen
Most recently published
Traffic prevention topics
Offers and tips
Durch die Folgen der Corona Pandemie können viele Angebote der Verkehrssicherheitsberatung nicht wie gewohnt durchgeführt werden. Aufgrund der Kontaktbeschränkungen können z.B. deutlich weniger Schulklassen die Verkehrspuppenbühne besuchen. Um dennoch möglichst viele Vorschulkinder, Schulkinder, Elt...
An important task of the road safety work of the traffic puppet stage is to sensitize children and young people to the dangers of road traffic through emotional experience. The aim is to prepare them for active participation in road traffic, thereby reducing traffic accidents involving children and ...
Informationen für Eltern, junge Erwachsene, Seniorinnen und Senioren sowie und Autonutzerinnen und Autonutzer
In July 2012, the first Crash Course NRW event was held in Dortmund and Lünen by the Dortmund police road safety advisors, followed by numerous follow-up events and a consistently positive response. Here, members of various professional groups who have experienced an accident involving young drivers...
Our strategic goal
Against the speeding, posing and illegal tuning scene
We all have a decisive influence on road safety. And human error is (unfortunately) still the biggest risk factor.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110