Our specially trained press spokespersons are available for you in shifts from Monday to Friday, from 07:00 to 21:00. During the night, at weekends and on public holidays, the head of the control center is responsible for press relations for the Dortmund police.
Our press work is aimed at the print media, radio and television. This includes providing or forwarding news and assessments about events and developments in police work to the media, in the classic case by publishing press releases from the authority. Other tasks include:
- establishing contact between journalists and the specialist departments
- providing information and statements on current events, including in front of microphones and cameras
- daily media evaluation of electronic and print media
- on-site press work for outstanding events
- conducting and organizing press conferences, and the creation of associated concepts
- Supporting and advising police inspectorates on projects with a public impact
- Training and further training of police officers for working with journalists