Dortmund Police Headquarters is the police authority responsible for the areas of the cities of Dortmund and Lünen as well as the freeways in the Arnsberg administrative district. Geographically, the Dortmund police area is divided into three police inspectorates (PI).
Prevention is the core task of police action; true to the motto: prevention is better than cure! This is why you will find all the topics and contact persons who carry out prevention tasks here.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our prevention work can only take place to a limited extent.
Here you will find our complaint form.
EN: Here you will find our complaint form. Please note - a translation program or an interpreter may be helpful for further communication!
FR: Vous trouverez ici notre formulaire de plainte. Veuillez noter - un programme de traduction ou un interprète peut êt...
Due to constantly changing processes within a pluralistic society, intercultural competence, mutual tolerance and acceptance are required. We stand for trusting cooperation between the police and Muslim institutions. In this way, we would like to contribute to democratic coexistence in our cities of...
WE LOOK FORWARD TO YOU: Take a seat, read, listen, experience the police! We would like to show you the diversity of police work - away from movies and television! On more than 500 square meters we present topics of current police work and police history.