ArticleWelcome to the UEFA Champions League match Borussia Dortmund - FC Barcelona on 11.12.2024 in DortmundThe Dortmund Police welcome the FC Barcelona fans to Dortmund! We expressly welcome sports enthusiasts and peaceful soccer fans to our city. We are aware that support and an impressive atmosphere are part of a soccer match.
Do Bild Videobeobachtungscontainer im Polizeipräsidium Dortmund - EN
PP DortmundImageVideo surveillance container at Dortmund police headquartersVideo surveillance in Nordstadt: Police Commissioner Gregor Lange extends video surveillance on Münsterstraße and in Dietrich-Keuning-ParkRef. No.: 0673 Video surveillance on Münsterstraße started in 2021 with permanently installed cameras by order of Gregor Lange. The order for Dietrich-Keuning-Park was then added in 2023. In addition to permanently installed cameras, a Dortmund police video container is also used here. -
DO Bild Gregor Lange
PP DortmundImagePolizeipräsident Gregor Lange31 days of UEFA EURO 2024 in Dortmund - police take stockSerial no. No.: 0671 "The many hundreds of thousands of visitors should [...] feel safe in Dortmund. And the out-of-town guests should encounter a cosmopolitan, approachable and professional police force in Dortmund. My conclusion: our numerous emergency services have succeeded in this in an impres... -
DO Bild Zitattafel Herr Lange Waffentrageverbote Messer
PP DortmundImageDO Bild Zitattafel Herr Lange Messer Waffentrageverbote MesserWeapon carrying bans ordered - Police Commissioner Gregor Lange sets up task force to combat knife crime"Conflicts are increasingly being resolved not only with words, and in some cases not even with fists, but too often unfortunately with weapons such as knives. The inhibition thresholds have fallen," said Police Commissioner Gregor Lange at the beginning of April when presenting the police crime sta...
Press releases of the Dortmund police
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