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Dortmund police on Instagram
Police in pictures can be found on our Instagram page (account required)...
Dortmund police

To our Instagram presence

Data protection information:
By clicking on "Like" you become a fan of this page, which is visible to the administrators of the page as well as to your friends and possibly other Instagram users. This applies in particular to "likes" or comments on our posts, which are also visible to non-fans of this fan page. Even if you are not or do not become a fan of this page, you can leave comments or "likes" on our posts that are visible to others and the administrators of the fan page. However, this information is neither analyzed by the administrators nor recorded elsewhere. The statistics that Instagram makes available to the administrators are output in aggregated form and do not allow the administrators to draw any conclusions about personal data. In this context, please also note the data usage guidelines at and make the appropriate privacy settings in your account! Please check carefully what information you publish!

What Instagram learns:
It is not known exactly what data Instagram stores in detail and how the company uses this data. What is certain is that Instagram not only stores data that is entered directly by users, but also records the actions of Instagram users - presumably without gaps. Instagram also learns:

  • the most important data of the computer system from which a user logs into the network - including IP address, processor type and browser version, including plug-ins and
  • every visit to websites (widget data) on which a "Like" button is installed. The IP address is also transmitted. If the visitor to the third-party site is a Facebook user and has already logged in to Facebook from the same computer, Instagram can also determine their identity

This enables Instagram to investigate the preferences, inclinations and contacts of its users very precisely and beyond Instagram usage.

Important note:
We expressly reserve the right to remove comments that violate applicable law or morality from this page and to report this to the platform operator. In cases of criminal relevance, this will also result in criminal investigation proceedings. Comments that are not written in German will be deleted if necessary. If comments contain links and/or references to other pages, these will be deleted for security reasons.

Translated with (API Version)
In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110