Ausstellungstafel Polizei in der NS-Zeit
The Dortmund police during the Nazi era
"Order and extermination - the Dortmund police in the Nazi state"
This special partial exhibition vividly illustrates the role of the police under National Socialism between 1933 and 1945. It is available to all police officers, but also to all interested citizens, to educate them about the Nazi regime and the role of the Dortmund police in this era. In the police exhibition 110 at Markgrafenstr. 102, original exhibits from the time can be seen. We had the contents compiled by Dortmund historian Dr. Klemp as part of a special exhibition in 2015.
In der Reichspogromnacht am 09.11.1938 starben in Deutschland und Österreich mehr als 1300 Juden, mindestens 1400 Synagogen wurden zerstört oder stark beschädigt. Geschäfte wurden geplündert und Menschen verletzt. Nationalsozialistische Schlägertrupps verbreiteten Angst und Schrecken. 
  • "Nazi stronghold of the West", "headquarters of the neo-Nazi scene" - nationwide reporting has been unanimous in recent years about the city in the Ruhr region. Dortmund has repeatedly been named as the center of a right-wing extremist scene that has been consolidated over decades. However, the figh...
    WE LOOK FORWARD TO YOU: Take a seat, read, listen, experience the police! We would like to show you the diversity of police work - away from movies and television! On more than 500 square meters we present topics of current police work and police history.
    We keep a small archive for the 110 police exhibition, as there is not enough space for all the exhibits in the exhibition area. It houses a collection of various items from many decades of police history. This includes uniform parts and equipment as well as textbooks, law books and photos of events...
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110