Emergency assistance and citizens' hotline

Arbeitsplatz Leitstelle
Emergency assistance and citizens' hotline
If you or others are in distress and need help - dial 110!
In the event of a medical emergency or fire, dial 112!

Emergency number 110:

The emergency number 110 connects you to the police control center free of charge, regardless of whether you are calling from a landline or cell phone. If you call from a cell phone, you may not automatically reach the local police. Your request will then be forwarded by the relevant control center.
Please state the following:

  1. Who is calling
  2. WHAT has happened
  3. WHERE it happened

Don't just hang up, but wait for further questions!

Emergency fax or an emergency text message:

People with speech or hearing impairments have the option of sending an emergency fax or text message. You will find the number in the box on the right.

It can happen that all of the control center's call slots are occupied - for technical reasons, however, you will not hear a "busy signal". In this case, please call again!

Citizens' telephone:

For non-emergency questions, you can reach the officers at the Dortmund police control center around the clock on the citizens' hotline. The telephone number of the citizens' hotline for Dortmund and Lünen is ☎ 0231/132-5555.

Please note: For calls and concerns outside Dortmund and Lünen, please dial the telephone number of your local police authority (see: Your local police).

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110