House of Juvenile Justice - all contact details

House of Juvenile Justice
House of Juvenile Justice - all contact details
Our contact details at the Dortmunder Haus des Jugendrechts:

Address: Landgrafenstraße 153, 44139 Dortmund

Public Prosecutor's Office (StA) Dortmund - 1st floor
Tel.: 0231/950-89922 and 0231/950-89923
Fax: 0231/950-89918

Criminal Investigation Department 32, Dortmund Police (KK 32) - 2nd floor
Tel.: 0231/132-7786
Fax: 0231/132-7329

Juvenile court assistance, Dortmund Youth Welfare Office - 3rd floor
Tel.: 0231/50-23364
Fax: 0231/50-10951

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110