Residential burglary
Residential burglary
More than almost any other crime, burglary is associated with people's sense of security. Offenders break into their victim's most personal surroundings. Even if the material damage is not extensive, the unpleasant certainty that a stranger has been in the apartment or house remains. For victims of a burglary, this stressful event is still present long after the crime.

A large number of burglaries take place during the day, especially in the dark season. The targets of such daytime burglaries are mainly single-family homes in areas that are not so densely built-up. Perpetrators can take advantage of the late afternoon, when many people are still at work, under the cover of darkness. Criminal police findings show that, in addition to local criminals, national criminals also use the dark time of year for burglaries. It is therefore all the more pleasing that the number of domestic burglaries in Dortmund and Lünen has been falling sharply for years. At the same time, the detection rate has risen.

Accurate investigative work by the police and prevention are the key building blocks in the fight against burglary. The establishment of investigative commissions, which use a large number of personnel to uncover and bring together offender structures, has transferred numerous groups of offenders from freedom to prison sentences of several years. The intensification of the search for and analysis of evidence as well as the ever-increasing cooperation with our network partners, such as housing associations, also contributes to these positive developments.

Almost every second burglary attempt fails, so the burglars don't even get into the house. Technical burglary protection is becoming better and more affordable. As a rule, a burglar will abort a break-in if he cannot get into the home quickly. This makes comprehensive advice from our advisors in the Crime Prevention / Victim Protection Department all the more important. The officers are also happy to come to your home and give you tips on the spot. We are currently working hard to confirm the successes of recent years and deter burglars. The police will not let up in this area of crime either. 

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Residential burglary

Make your home secure! Bruno Knust advises you on this!

Cabaret artist Bruno Knust visited our burglary protection experts and learned about mushroom head locks and armored crossbars, among other things. Watch the videos and make your home burglar-proof! For personal advice, get in touch with our Crime Prevention and Victim Protection Department contact opposite.


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