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Sexual abuse / child abuse
The topic of "sexual abuse" is fraught with fear. In contrast, we

- Factual information
- Sensitization
- Concrete behavioral tips "How can I protect my child?"

Because "knowledge strengthens" - not only children, but also parents and adults who live and work with children! We offer:

  • Support for primary and special schools in staging the play "Mein-Köprer-gehört-mir!"
  • Parent information events on the topic of sexual abuse
  • Information events / multiplier training for teachers, educators and educational professionals on the topic of sexual abuse
  • Information events / multiplier training for educational and medical professionals on the topic of child abuse
  • Information events / multiplier training on the topic of extraterritoriality (sexual abuse by Germans abroad)

Our cooperation partners:
Dortmund Youth Welfare Office, Fabido, Lünen Youth Welfare Office, day-care centers in Lünen, Dortmund School Board, Unna District School Board, networks "Help in cases of sex. Violence" networks according to § 78 SGBVIII in Dortmund and the district of Unna, Theaterpädagogische Werkstatt Osnabrück, University of Dortmund, Studienseminar Dortmund, vocational colleges in Dortmund and Lünen, Stadtsportbund Dortmund, Landessportbund NRW, ECPAT Germany (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and The Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes)

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110