Theater play "My body belongs to me!"
The three-part play "My body belongs to me!" was developed and continuously updated by the "tpw theaterpädagogische werkstatt gGmbH" (then known as "Theaterpädagogische Werkstatt Osnabrück") in the 1990s.
In 2001, the Dortmund network, the U-AG "Help in cases of sexualized violence", launched the "Dortmund Theatre Project", which has long since ceased to be a project but has become an integral part of primary and special schools as a "prevention module for schools to protect children from sexualized violence". This prevention program for the 3rd and 4th grades has proven to be a significant contribution to the long-term empowerment of Dortmund's schoolchildren.
PP Dortmund - KK/KPO

The play

The first part deals with the distinction between a "yes" and a "no" feeling, that the child has the right to say "no" when it has a "no" feeling. The second part deals with abuse by strangers, the terms "exhibitionism" and "sexual abuse" are explained and also who is "to blame" for what happens. Finally, the third part deals with sexual abuse by people close to the child, that the child has the right to seek help and that not every person they approach can help them. The "number against grief" and other options are named where a child can get help.


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