Get out of the car - walking to school is very good for road safety

Ein Polizist und eine Polizistin werben vor dem Präsidium in Dortmund für Achtsamkeit im Straßenverkehr.
Get out of the car - walking to school is very good for road safety
The schools in Dortmund and Lünen may not open until August 10, 2022, but the police in Dortmund and Lünen are already promoting more mindfulness and consideration in traffic - and at the same time appealing to parents to let their children walk to school.
Polizei Dortmund
Dortmund police

Because the fewer cars there are on school routes, the safer the roads and sidewalks are, especially in the vicinity of schools.

The Dortmund Police Headquarters will be using social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Twitter) from 3. From August 3, the Dortmund Police Headquarters will be using social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) to reach as many road users as possible with important messages before the start of school with photos and quotes as well as a video from the traffic dummy stage.

Don't sit passively in the car

The focus is on a total of 6430 first-graders in Dortmund (5600 at 88 elementary school) and Lünen (830 at 12 elementary school). They learn safe behavior best when they actively participate in road traffic on foot, ideally in small groups, rather than sitting passively in a car.

The background: the "parent cab" phenomenon, which has been on the rise for around ten years, is still very much alive. During checks outside schools, the police repeatedly hear from parents: "We don't have time in the morning" or "I want my child to get to school safely". However, routes to school are not safe when there are lots of cars driving, stopping and turning in front of schools. This creates confusing situations in which young schoolchildren in particular are quickly overwhelmed - and at risk.

Children are well prepared

As in previous years, the police will be providing more information on school routes and in front of schools when school starts, as well as carrying out checks and punishing speeding offences. Over the past few months, the police have been intensively preparing new school starters on the streets and in the traffic mannequin stage in Westfalenpark for starting school and correct behavior in road traffic.

In 2021, the number of children involved in road traffic accidents in Dortmund rose by 10.9 percent to 152 (including three accidents on the way to school). In Lünen, the number rose by 7 to 28 children involved in accidents. Every accident involving a child is one accident too many.

The police are therefore appealing to all road users to be careful and show consideration.


Video of the puppet stage for the start of school

PP Dortmund

Off to school - but how? Our traffic puppet stage recommends a "bus with legs". Have fun watching!

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