Frau vor Bildschirmen der Videobeobachtung
Police video surveillance in Dortmund
Dortmund Police Headquarters uses stationary video surveillance to prevent crimes and dangerous situations.

The legal basis for the use of stationary video surveillance is set out in Section 15a PolG NRW (North Rhine-Westphalia Police Act). The streets under video surveillance are crime hotspots with a large number of offenses and reasons for deployment.

Specially trained employees can follow the images live in the control center at police headquarters and, at best, inform the emergency services about the preparation of a crime. The cameras make it possible to describe people and identify directions of escape. With this information, we can then start a manhunt without losing valuable time - another advantage that increases the pressure on law enforcement. The recordings also serve to provide evidence for criminal proceedings.

The video data is only captured, recorded and stored at the times specified for the area under video surveillance. Data protection is of particular importance here: the recordings are stored for a maximum of 14 days. If sequences are relevant for investigative proceedings, they can also be stored for longer. We do not use video technology at demonstrations.

The video system has been configured by entering restricted areas in such a way that it is not possible to view living rooms or comparable protected rooms.

Our camera locations are located here (maps as pdf separately on the right/below)
Brückestraße, Leeds Square, Helle

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110