Introduction of the "radio patrol car" Opel Blitz

Introduction of the "radio patrol car" Opel Blitz
Opel Blitz drives out of a driveway
Introduction of the "radio patrol car" Opel Blitz
Opel Blitz radio patrol car - the first patrol car with a radio on board

This is a state-of-the-art radio patrol car, the first with a radio on board. At least it was modern in its day. That's why it was affectionately called "the pioneer" after its introduction in Dortmund in 1949/1950. However, radios that officers could take with them on foot patrol only became available much later, from the end of the 1960s. Today, the NRW police still have a "Polizei-Opel Blitz". It was built in 1947, has 45 hp and a top speed of 95 km/h. It was converted in the post-war period from "leftover models" from the Wehrmacht for use as a patrol car. It is taken out of the garage for very special occasions and events, such as "NRW Day" or the police day "A day with us".


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