Career at the LKA NRW

LKA Ermittler im Einsatz
Career at the LKA NRW
Job advertisements
We make fighting crime successful. Together.

We are delighted that you are interested in working at the NRW State Office of Criminal Investigation.

Making the fight against crime successful

That is our goal. In many areas, the services of our 1,800 employees are a decisive basis for preventing and solving crime in NRW. You can be part of it too.


Here you will find all current job advertisements of our authority for civil servants and tariff employees.

If you are applying, please note the information sheet with information on data protection. You can find this in the download area on the right.

As all vacancies are published, please refrain from sending unsolicited applications outside of the job advertisements published here.

Job advertisements
Sie können sich bis 14.04.2025 auf die Stelle bewerben. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie kennenzulernen.
Information on
  • If you are looking for a varied, attractive and crisis-proof job, the police are the right employer for you. Whether in uniform on patrol duty, in the helicopter squadron, in the SEK, in the task force or as a biologist, chemist, computer scientist or technician - apply to us and become part of the ...
    If you are looking for a varied, attractive and crisis-proof job, the police are the right employer for you. Whether in uniform on patrol duty, in the helicopter squadron, in the SEK, in the task force or as a biologist, chemist, computer scientist or technician - apply to us and become part of the ...
    Here you will find publicly advertised positions from the state administration, universities and institutions of the state of NRW as well as publicly advertised positions from municipalities, municipal institutions and municipal associations.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110