Cologne police offer free pedelec training for senior citizens

Pedelec training for senior citizens
Cologne police offer free pedelec training for senior citizens
On June 7, 2024, the Cologne Police, in cooperation with ADAC Nordrhein e. V. and the City of Cologne, is offering free pedelec training for all interested senior citizens.

For Frank Wißbaum, Head of the Traffic Directorate, it is particularly important that the police offer pedelec training for people aged 65 and over: "Pedelecs continue to enjoy great popularity among young and old alike, because for many people they represent an important piece of mobility in road traffic. Conversely, however, this also means more accidents and highlights a constant need for action. With this training session, we want to target older people and raise their awareness of the dangers of pedelecs. 
In addition to practical riding exercises, this includes imparting basic technical knowledge as well as correct and safe handling of the pedelec. We want to clearly show how dangerous situations can arise in road traffic and how to react correctly. With the support of the ADAC and the City of Cologne, we can rely on an experienced certified trainer who will actively support accident prevention on this day of action. So don't be afraid of training and join in!"

The pedelec training will take place on June 7, 2024

from 10.30 am to 2.30 pm 
on the grounds of the 
Youth Traffic School
Neusser Straße 164
50733 Cologne Nippes.

The Cologne police are also responding to the rising number of accidents. Last year alone, the number of pedelec riders involved in accidents rose by around 13 percent from 330 to 373. 50 of them suffered serious injuries. As of March 31, the accident statistics for this year already show 50 pedelec riders involved in accidents.

Interested parties can register themselves or family members by calling 0221 229- 6060
or by sending an email to Sicher.Mobil.Koeln [at] (Sicher[dot]Mobil[dot]Koeln[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de).
Participation in the training is only possible with a helmet, sturdy shoes and your own pedelec.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110