What is #LIFE - We present the new specialist transport strategy

On a country road, a police car approaches from the front left with its blue lights on. On the right-hand side, at the junction of the road, are the life-size white letter blocks #LEBEN.
What is #LIFE - We present the new specialist transport strategy
New specialist transport strategy - same goal, new approach - #Life
Fewer deaths and serious injuries in road accidents - that is the declared goal of Vision Zero. At the start of 2024, the NRW police are realigning their strategy for greater safety on roads, cycle paths and freeways.
EPHK Pusch, Head of the Press Office

New specialist strategy for transport - same goal, new path - #LIFE


#LIFE - the trademark for the new specialist strategy for transport.

The realignment of the specialist strategy started virtually at the beginning of 2024.

A reason to welcome the new specialist strategy to the Siegen-Wittgenstein district and present it here.


#LIFE - The letters were on the big stage for the first time when our Minister of the Interior Herbert Reul presented the nationwide traffic accident statistics last year. And now the letters and the hashtag are to become a sign of recognition in the area of press and public relations work when it comes to the topic of traffic.

What is the realignment of the specialist strategy all about? Many people will ask themselves: what else is new? After all, the police haven't just been monitoring traffic since yesterday and they have always been recording accidents.

"That's right," says Ms. Fernandez Mendez, Head of Unit 414 (Traffic) at IM NRW. "The objectives of the police do not change fundamentally and remain the same. However, we have redefined priorities in order to make our daily efforts to prevent accidents more sustainable." She adds:

"Road traffic is evolving and so must we."

In future, there will be an even greater focus on the safety of vulnerable road users: pedestrians, cyclists and e-scooter riders. The aim is to consistently punish misconduct towards this group and to point out the potentially drastic consequences of misconduct in a "traffic didactic" (explanatory) discussion. However, it is not always the motorized participants who cause an accident with injuries by breaking the rules. Disregarding red light violations by cyclists, for example, also leads to accidents with serious consequences.

With the nationwide focus, it is expressly pointed out that the local causes and priorities naturally continue to play a role and remain in focus.

- Unannounced traffic checks must be expected at all times -

Minister Herbert Reul adds with regard to traffic checks: "All road users must be aware that police traffic monitoring can take place unannounced at any time and anywhere and that violations will be punished consistently, because compliant behavior is an essential guarantee for the sustainable and effective reduction of the number of serious injuries and fatalities on the roads."


The state also sets priorities in the area of traffic accident investigation.

The investigation of traffic accidents involving personal injury and fleeing remains a high priority.

However, an examination of the procedure has shown that there is room for improvement here. Accidents involving fleeing and personal injury can have both physical and psychological consequences for the victims. This is why there is a further focus here.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110