LZPD NRW informs about possible error in laser measuring device

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LZPD NRW informs about possible error in laser measuring device
115 devices are temporarily no longer in use.

On July 6, the LZPD NRW was informed on behalf of the manufacturer that a fault had occurred with the TrueSpeed LTI 20-20 laser measuring device. During an inspection carried out by an expert and the PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt), measurement deviations are said to have occurred. In NRW, 115 laser measuring devices of this type are in use in 27 district police authorities. The NRW police have a total of 650 laser measuring devices.

Although it is still unclear whether the error is the fault of a single device and whether all 115 NRW police devices are affected by the error at all, the LZPD NRW asked all district police authorities to refrain from using the affected laser measuring devices until further notice in a letter dated July 9.

The LZPD NRW is working at full speed to clarify the situation and is in close contact with the manufacturer and the fine authorities. Only once further information is available can further measures be examined, in particular for possible victims of speeding offenses.


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