Contact officers for intercultural and religious affairs

Dortmund Police Headquarters
Contact officers for intercultural and religious affairs
Due to constantly changing processes within a pluralistic society, intercultural competence, mutual tolerance and acceptance are required. We stand for trusting cooperation between the police and Muslim institutions. In this way, we would like to contribute to democratic coexistence in our cities of Dortmund and Lünen.

We offer the following support:

- Intensive dialogues based on mutual trust between Muslim institutions and facilities
- Presentations of prevention and police work within communities and institutions
- Trustworthy networking of local actors and specialist agencies, around the prevention network against religious extremism within Dortmund and Lünen
- Support for external information events on the topic of Islam
- Networking with youth institutions for prevention and support against violent extremism
- Representation of the police at Islamic events and committees
- Responding to media inquiries about cooperation with Muslim institutions
- Internal responses and advice from authorities on the topic of Islam
- Regular exchange with KIAs from other authorities

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110