On duty 24/7

Policeman with torch
On duty 24/7
The police officers of the security service are on duty around the clock.
Ministry of the Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

More than 16,000 police officers are available to people in our country around the clock as competent contacts and helpers in times of need. Citizens expect professional police work.

This requires a high presence of police officers who are on duty on foot or on a bicycle, in a patrol car or on a motorcycle.

The variety of missions handled by the early, late and night shifts ranges from recording traffic accidents to initiating initial measures when recording a crime scene - such as a burglary or murder -, carrying out property protection measures and providing assistance in cases of domestic violence.

But they also have to deal with acute threat situations, as there are situations in which it is not possible to wait for specialists to arrive. And finally, they always have to be the first on the scene when "110" is called.

The security officers have to adapt to the situation at hand within a very short space of time. In doing so, they do not lose sight of aspects of personal safety, even in seemingly harmless situations.

In addition, victims of crimes and serious traffic accidents expect help and particularly sensitive behavior in their suffering. This makes it understandable that every police officer is an all-round professional.


Watch and change service: A portrait of Hülya Duran

Hülya Duran is a police inspector through and through. In our portrait, she tells us why working in security and shift work is so special for her and how she deals with operations that don't go perfectly. But she doesn't stop working after her shift. As a volunteer in the socially integrative project "Farid's Qualifighting", she supports children and young people in learning and boxing - with pride!


Guard and change service: A portrait of Hülya Duran

6:02 min Guard and change service: A portrait of Hülya Duran

Hülya Duran is a police inspector through and through. In this portrait, she explains why her work in security and shift work is so special for her and how she deals with operations that don't go perfectly. But she doesn't stop working after her shift. As a volunteer in the socially integrative…


The security service

7:11 min LAFP NRW

They are there for us around the clock, 365 days a year, warding off dangers, fighting crime and ensuring greater road safety. The police officers of the security service! Police officers always have to take on special challenges that hardly any other profession can offer - including over the…

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110