Inforunde der Polizei Dortmund
Career choice, internship and job advertisements
Every year at the beginning of September, the North Rhine-Westphalia police force recruits 2660 police officer candidates for the police profession. However, the application phase begins in the previous year. You can also apply to become a government inspector candidate (RIA). Further vacancies for already trained jobseekers in police authorities are advertised via the NRW job market (Karriere NRW). Jobs advertised in Dortmund are linked directly here.
Career choice
Are you interested in becoming a police officer in NRW and would like to apply? Comprehensive information is important for a qualified career choice. We can help!
Seit August 2022 gibt es einen weiteren, ganz neuen Weg zur Polizei NRW: Das Fachabitur Polizei. Wir bieten Schülerinnen und Schülern einen zweijährigen Bildungsgang an zahlreichen Berufskollegs in ganz NRW. Hier bekommen diese die Möglichkeit, mit einem mittleren Bildungsabschluss oder der Berechti...
Du machst die Polizei handlungsfähig! Jetzt für die Verwaltungslaufbahn (Bachelor of Laws) bei der Polizei NRW bewerben...
Keep an eye on this page yourself! Please refrain from sending unsolicited applications to Dortmund Police.
These internships are generally possible at Dortmund Police: Internship at a school, administrative internship, career exploration and legal clerkship. Participation in Girls/Boys Day, a one-day internship, is carried out in group form on the date of the "career exploration". Individual internship...
Wir begleiten zehn „Auszubildende“ des Polizeipräsidiums Dortmund während ihrer drei Jahre im Studium bis hin zur Ernennung zur Polizeikommissarin beziehungsweise zum Polizeikommissar. Bekommen Sie einen Blick hinter die Kulissen, wie er sonst nur wenigen vorbehalten ist!
If you are looking for a varied, attractive and crisis-proof job, the police are the right employer for you. Whether in uniform on patrol duty, in the helicopter squadron, in the SEK, in the task force or as a biologist, chemist, computer scientist or technician - apply to us and become part of the ...
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110